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Saturday, January 9, 2010

The best secrets to weight loss revealed here

The best secrets to weight loss depend on small and smart changes made in lifestyle. A diet plan or some vigorous workout plan are not long lasting because most of you must have tried and left these finding temporary or no results. The changes that are discussed in this article are simple, easy and fun filled. You don’t have to sacrifice your favorite food items or go to a gym. You can even pick few of these and stick to them so that you remain slim for the rest of your life.

The first thing that you can do when you wake up is to sit up on your bed without taking help of your hands. Keep you legs apart and bend forward so that you feel a stretch in your back and tendon at the back of your knees. Hold for few seconds and then lower your body, flattening it with the help of your abs. Repeat this two or three times. The second thing is to bring some changes in eating habits like add some protein to your breakfast. Researchers find that if protein is taken as early as possible daily, you don’t feel hungry for long.

While brushing your teeth, stand on one leg for 30 seconds and switch to another one for 30 seconds and go on doing this. This balancing act helps you make more use of your core muscles and helps make them work properly. This act helps develop and is excellent for your brain also. If you don’t want to burn your calories by walking thousands of steps, you can avoid cream cheese and take low fat cheese spread instead on a muffin and enjoy. One thing that is important to note is that whenever you find time, pace around whether it is talking on the phone or just relaxing, because if you sit for long you add up calories.

You can also eat two apples a day and lose weight as they are filled with fiber and water and your stomach demands less. When you are running or going for grocery shopping try and carry some weight on the backpack. If you follow these steps or even some of these you will find positive results and you lose weight gradually and for good.

1 comment:

Giovani said...

Hi Seema,

THANK YOU, for those excellent fitness tips! :O)

Those are great starts & are so doable. Real confidence builders. & once I get started down a path consistently, the game's half won. I'm sure others feel the same.

Sunshine & Blessings,